Tea With Trish: The Movement Work of Trish Arnold
Tea With Trish is a 2-DVD set that presents a comprehensive look at the vibrant approach to movement for actors, developed by Trish Arnold, through classroom exercise and in-depth commentary.
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Trish’s cohesive approach to movement training is created specifically for actors. It focuses on connecting an actor's breath and impulse with their physical expression.

Trish Arnold has taught movement for over 50 years. She has been the Head of Movement at LAMDA and The Guildhall School in London; Master Teacher at the Working Theater, Shakespeare & Company and Carnegie-Mellon University in the U. S.; and Movement Coach for The Stratford Festival Theatre in Canada.

Class work, shown on the DVDs, trace the arc of Trish’s movement progression along with her insightful critiques, and in-depth commentary, from “pure movement” work: awareness, stretching, placement, release, strength and agility, through the expressive work: animals, masks, and imaginative exercises with space and dimensions.

The video also tries to give a sense of Trish herself. The viewer is invited into her living room for lively discussions about movement— over a cup of tea. Trish converses with several leading movement teachers and movement directors, and they share their own experience of her work and its impact for the physical life of actors.

Larger issues are raised in these discussions, such as:
• What are the specific needs that actors have for the use of their bodies?
• Why is that different than, say, dance usage?
• What is the role of the body in acting?
• How does training get passed on?

The pedagogical history of physical training from which Trish drew is also examined—a German strand, from Sigurd Leeder-Jooss-Laban; and a French strand, from the Copeau-St. Denis-Lecoq tradition. The rivers of thought keep meeting and blending, carrying along into the next generations.
